Love Grows (Where my Edalyn Goes)

Official Carrd for the Love Grows (Where My Edalyn Goes) Fan Episode

What is this Project?

Love Grows (Where my Edalyn Goes) is a massive collaborative Raeda Animatic/ Fan Episode set to "Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)" by Edison Lighthouse...where RAINE PROPOSES!


Set in post canon, Raine and Eda once again a couple are stronger than ever. Raine decides now is the time to pop the big question! Raine plans a party to set the scene, but of course, at The Owl House, things don't go as planned.


Producer: Mars/Marbles (@raines_whispers)

all handles are on twitter unless stated otherwise

Art Team

Art Director:
Kris (@_lottedraven)
Board Directors:
Mars/Marbles (@raines_whisper)
Kris (@_lottedraven)
Tais (@taisplendidart)
Grim (@nuggvio)
Willow (@ziggizaps)
Concept Artists:
Sirin (@sirin_demon)
Ares (@ClaireWD4)
Miles (@m3th_coffee)
Bee (@fingbee)
Cookie (@Cookie_cubes)
Background Artists:
Liv (@livthewxtch)
Jay/Jess/Gingi (@RAINEY_DAY)
Grim (@nuggvio)
Sirin (@sirin_demon)
Jo/Juno (@bardscoven)
Rough Boards:
Jo/Juno (@bardscoven)
Sketchee (@sketcheeClown
Tais (@taisplendidart)
Cele (@CeleScribbler)
Cookie (@Cookie_cubes)
Mars/Marbles (@raines_whisper)
Final Boards:
Laudi (@laudicat)
Willow (@ziggizaps)
Grim (@nuggvio)
Miles (@m3th_coffee)
Bee (@fingbee)
Tais (@taisplendidart)

Animations Team

Art Director:
Kris (@_lottedraven)
Board/Animations Revisions and Cleanup:
Cele (@CeleScribbler)
Lor (@silent_staring)
Laudi (@laudicat)
Ares (@ClaireWD4)
Bee (@flingbee)
Liv (@livthewxtch)
Kat/ KJ (@fantasycat)